I'm always surprised when I open my email and see that people actually leave comments on my blogs. Over the past couple of days I've even been more surprised to see some blog awards. Thanks so much to Kris and Jo for sending me these awards. I'll be linking their websites to the awards when I get them posted over to the side. Thank you!
These awards ask you to leave 7 or 10 honest things about yourself and then to pass them on to 7 other bloggers if you can.
1) I was horribly shy until I was about 27 years old and then made a concerted effort to come out of my shell.
2) I started violin lessons again 2.5 years ago after not playing for 27 years.
3) I taught myself piano when I was 12 but really need lessons.
4) I am married almost 24 years and have an adorable almost 16 year old son.
5) I only have one child because I wasn't put on this earth to have children - I couldn't get pregnant, had a terrible, painful pregnancy and then couldn't give birth - had to have an emergency c-section after the doctors told me during my pregnancy that I shouldn't have a c-section due to grapefruit sized fibroids. Luckily it all worked out, but one was enough for me and I was given an angel.
6) I have lived in AZ for 15 years after growing up on Long Island, NY.
7) I am the oldest of 3 children.
8) I work full time in the insurance industry - I am in Information technology and really don't like it! If I could magically change careers I would be in meteorology - particularly researching tornadoes and severe thunderstorms.
9) My husband is a 7th grade earth science teacher. He is doing what he loves and how he loves it, I don't know.
10) I wish I could win powerball just to give 85% of it away to those in need and/or to keep our educational systems where they need to be.
I'll come back and update to pass these forward :)